
To invite Susan to speak at your author event, visit the contact page.
The Morning Blend WTMJ 4 Milwaukee
Video/news interview: watch it @ WTMJ 4
"A Thread So Fine" is a novel layered with realities, truths, and insights about motherhood, womanhood, and the stigma from unwed mothers, "illegitimate children," and childless women. A novel about a more conservative time in our country’s history, it raises many questions, including how women were restricted by society’s standards and expectations in their day. Joining us to discuss the novel and its base in her real-life experiences is author Susan Welch.
Fox 6 Milwaukee
Video/news interview: watch it @ FOX 6
MILWAUKEE -- "A Thread So Fine" is a novel layered with realities, truths, and insights about motherhood and womanhood. Author of the book, Susan Welch, joins FOX6 WakeUp with more on her new book.
WUWM NPR Milwaukee – Lake Effect with Bonnie North
Radio interview: listen @ WUWM NPR
Writers are advised to write what they know. But in Susan Welch's case, it’s what she didn't know until she was 46 that compelled her to produce her first novel.